Travel the World From Your Laptop

Travel the World From Your Laptop

Escape your daily life on a virtual reality tour of 12 different countries. You choose your experience!

Casting Sites Every Actor Should be On

Casting Sites Every Actor Should be On

As an actor, things have changed so much over the past ten years. Before you could Google "commercial or film auditions in (insert metropolis here)" and you would get a list of auditions. The posting would include when, where, what time, an email address and a contact number. Your agent would send you auditions to go [...]

Four Things to Remember When Pursuing Your Dreams

Four Things to Remember When Pursuing Your Dreams

Hello beautiful people! I apologize for being M.I.A., I have been rehearsing for a showcase, updating my resume, getting my costumes together and such. I just realized yesterday (October 31st) makes two years since I left South Florida (to pursue my dreams of becoming an actress) and drove out to Los Angeles. The drive itself [...]