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Four Tips for Accomplishing Your New Year’s!


Happy New Year everyone!


This past year has been full of blessings, lessons and hard work. My goal is to continue to be open to the opportunities and changes that comes my way. Continue to set intentions for myself and visualize them. In the past everytime I have intentionally visualized myself accomplishing my goals and spoken about them it has come true. For 2018 let’s follow the following tips to accomplish our resolutions!

1. Write down your goals. Do it. There is something about physically writing down your goals for the year that holds you accountable. Personally I recommend getting a dry erase marker and writing them on your bathroom mirror, or a long mirror in your bedroom. Why? Every morning when you wake up you use the bathroom and look in the mirror. Sometimes while brushing your teeth, other times while putting on your make up or zoning out. Then, again at night as you do your nighttime routine. Twice a day you will see your goals and can reflect on what steps you need to take to be closer to crossing that goal off your list!

2. Verbalize your goal(s). Talk to your friends, family and even people you meet at networking events about your goals. Everytime I have met people and mentioned I am an actor focused on the Film and Television industry they somehow have some interesting story to share, person they must connect me with or even just general information about this industry. (Plus I love recommending films and TV shows to check out to other people)! I have always enjoyed getting to know other people. Getting to hear someone’s perspective based on where they grew up, what their cultural norms and morals are. One of my fabulous gal pals and I just had a discussion on what she does on Christmas with her family. She is Muslim and is always kind enough to wish me a Merry Christmas, but I never knew what her equivalent would be. Well she wrote this article, to explain what various Muslim’s do on Christmas. We always discuss what we want to accomplish and support each other with positive words. Verbalizing can lead to people holding you accountable and connecting with the right people.

3. Be open to change. This time of year so many people focus on dieting to lose weight, instead of making a lifestyle change for the sake of building muscle and being healthier. I can not stress enough how important your health is. That should always be priority number 1. Taking care of the only body you have the right way will save you so much stress, money and help your mental health. Change could also mean stepping out of your comfort zone, like finally taking that Public Speaking class you need so you don’t freak out when having to give a presentation or job interview. Change can feel scary and uncomfortable, but it is the only way to grow.

4. “Let live and let God”. To me, this quote means stop trying to plan and control every step of your life. This does not mean sit in your room staring blankly at the walls and expect to find the love of your life, dream career, that six-pack of abs you had in middle school and financial freedom. You have to put forth effort! Want to meet someone go to a cooking class, spoken word night or indie film festival instead of your regular bar or nightclub scene. Switch it up! Look at your bank statement, and outgoing bills. See if there is somewhere you keep splurging that you can cut back, like eating out twice a week instead of everyday, or buying the majority of your groceries from a cheaper place (shout out to Trader Joe’s! You are the real MVP)! If you want to break a bad habit start today instead tomorrow, next week, etc. We all know the longer we procrastinate the harder it is to change.

5. Do a check-in. In six months see which goals you have accomplished. See which ones still need some TLC to get them done.

What are some tips you have for accomplishing your New Year’s resolutions?

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