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10 Ways to Improve Your Mood


Hello loves! I hope everyone had an awesome weekend! I’ve been in an incredibly good mood this past couple weeks (it might be the endorphins from the exercise), but also because I have been saying no to things that do not make me happy. This past weekend I was talking to my friend about ways to improve your mood.

1. Call someone you love. I often call my gal pals during my lunch break. Two of them are in London, another travels the world and the forth is in Miami. Do we all have crazy schedules? Of course! However, we make time to catch up because it is important. Every time we talk I instantly feel comforted, understood and cannot stop laughing.

2. Watch a funny movie. One of my go-to movies if I’m bored, sad, or sick is Ferris Buller’s Day Off. If you have not seen it finish reading this post, then check it out on Netflix or Amazon! It’s set in the 80’s starring Matthew Broderick (who is married to Sarah Jessica Parker)! The music, epic “sick” day, joy ride and constant breaking of the fourth wall is just what you need for a laugh.

3. Workout! “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands, they just don’t.” -Elle Woods

4. Buy something fun! In my case it was two things a 30 foot workout rope like the one you see people use in Crossfit and a red dress from Abercrombie. I’ve already used the workout ropes three times since they have arrived and I am obsessed. It’s the perfect combination of cardio, arms, legs and thighs.

5. Write down what, or who is stressing you out. Then break your stressor down into smaller steps that you can accomplish. For example if your stress is packing to move. Make a list of the rooms you need to pack. Start in the smallest room with the least amount of stuff. Sort trash, donate, keep. Next, make an estimate of the bubble wrap, tissue paper and newspaper needed. Then, move on to the next room. Get boxes from grocery stores and Home Depot as needed. Set a timer in each room so you do not get caught up on walking down memory lane. When we have tasks and can take the time to cross them each off the list, it helps us feel accomplished.

6. Take time to do Yoga, focusing on your breathing. Getting the oxygen flowing and clearing your mind rapidly improves your happiness.

7. Cuddle with your fur baby. Pets are a beautiful gift. They give us unconditional love and often sense when we need a little extra TLC. I know my kitty is great about coming to me and literally rubbing my face with his when I’m upset. He also loves to climb on me in the morning to cuddle so I start my day off happy 🙂

8. Meme’s. Look up meme’s on Pinterest, Instagram or Google. There are tons of Instagram accounts that post funny memes. When in doubt just look at Chrissy Teigens Twitter/ Instagram her captions crack me up.

9. Get outside! Sometimes there is nothing better than fresh air. Just sitting outside on a bench feeling the wind blow and watching the wildlife is always calming to me. I’m not a huge bird person, but I love watching the Cardinals and little sparrows in Atlanta interact. In California I loved watching the Hummingbirds sparkle in the sunlight.

10. Do something nice for someone else. It could be something as small as opening the door holding the elevator instead of letting it close in someone else’s face. Or making dinner for someone you care about just because! It always feels better to do something selfless for someone else.

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