What is Your Definition of Success?

What is Your Definition of Success?

I found an old journal from 6th grade this weekend. It was from my English class, back when we had to start the first ten minutes of class copying the prompt on the chalkboard into our journals then writing a paragraph or so about the prompt. I absolutely hated writing at the time. Partially, because [...]

8 Signs of a Hype-man

8 Signs of a Hype-man

Hello Beautiful people! Now that you've found yourself on this post you are probably thinking what is a Hype-man? Well in the past it was a hip hop singer who tries to get the audience excited about the performance. However here in Atlanta (the rap capital of the world) a Hype-man is another word for [...]

The Little Things

The Little Things

Today I went to Trader Joe's after work to pick up some last minute groceries. When I went to check out, I chatted with the cashier about his favorite items in the store. Just as I went to pay for my groceries he said, "You forgot one thing!" I looked around and asked, "I did, [...]